Thursday, November 29, 2007

San Diego Free Agent Proposal

San Diego GM Nelson Somers has proposed the following amendment to the league constitution. If approved, this will take effect for the 2008 Draft (held in Spring '09).

"How about if the four playoff teams pick last, but are allowed 1 additional free agent pick at the end of the draft.I do believe that teams that make the playoffs, are a more astrictive team to the free agent market.That will also stop teams that know they have no chance of winning it all, from dropping out of the playoff race intentionally. Thanks SD "

Please vote in the comments section below. Thanks Cin.


Tully Moxness said...

Cincinnati votes NO!

Anonymous said...

I think Nelson's issue is rewarding teams high draft picks by playing or managing poorly.
Take the 1-3 positions in the draft and move those teams automatically to the 10-12 spots in next draft. Playoff teams would take 6-9 spots.
Reward playoff teams higher draft positions but NO extra picks..Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

New York Votes NO!

Anonymous said...

Reward playoff teams higher draft positions? Then how would the bad teams improve...osmosis? manipulate the cards? I guess Felix Hernandez and his 2.00 whip was because I managed him poorly...I will quit the league on the spot if they start rewarding good teams and penalizing bad teams.

WHich gets me to my votes...I vote to have the playoff teams draft 9-12...take this year for example...should we penalize Shannon because he played in a better division and reward Christian because he played in a bad one? This year is done, but in the future, playoff teams draft last...and by no means should playoff teams get extra picks!

Not Anonymous at all-English

Anonymous said...

So you think that a team in the much tougher central division like Atlanta 33-23 should pick ahead of a playoff team, in the much weaker western division, San Francisco 27-29. If that is the case, how do you figure that a team in the weaker division is supposed to ever have a chance to be competitive with the tougher divisions? All this change will lead to, is teams that have know they really don't stack up against the tougher teams in the playoffs, to flop, to avoid the penalty of making the playoffs. It is a really poorly thought out idea, that will only help the tougher teams that don’t make the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

If it aint broke don't fix it. Leave the draft the way it was.

Anonymous said...

I guess I come from the perspective that playing in the playoffs is more desirable than drafting a pick or two higher. Having never made the playoffs, I'd rather have the shot at the title...I guess the 2006 St. Louis Cardinals should have just quit and let the Astros win the division so that they could get the higher draft pick because they had no chance in the playoffs...oh...they won the World Series that year...nevermind.

To me I'd give up the better position in the draft for the playoff birth and the shot at the ring.


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